Ways To Give

The support of companies, foundations and other organizations for many decades has enabled City Wide Club to serve thousands of men, women and children who are in need around the world.

We greatly appreciate and appeal for this vital network of community support in order to continue meeting the ever-changing needs of those most vulnerable in our society.

Please make checks payable to City Wide Club and mail to:

City Wide Club - Attention: Donation Dept. 
P.O. Box 8446, Houston, TX  77288
or call (713) 752-CLUB (2582) or 866-510-CLUB (2582)

Donation Options:

$25     $50     $100     $200     $350     $500     $1,000     $2,500     $5,000

Thanksgiving Super Feast

Christmas Super Feast

Christmas Super Feast

Thanksgiving Super Feast

Christmas Super Feast

Thanksgiving Super Feast

Thanksgiving Super Feast

1st Shift - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

In the last 14 days:Have you been diagnosed with COVID19 or experienced any flu-like symptoms?
Have had a cough more than usual, sore throat or shortness of breath?
Have you been exposed to or care for anyone with COVID 19?
Have you been asked to self-quarantine by a doctor or local health official?
Agree To Email Updates?
First Time Volunteering?
For Community Service?
Agree to Receive Messages?
I agree to indemnify City Wide Club of Club and its Chapters and entities from all liabilities.
Main Office

P.O. Box 8446, Houston, TX 77288
4900 Fournace Place, Suite 423, Houston, TX 77401
Telephone713-752-CLUB (2582)  |  Toll Free:  866-510-CLUB (2582)
E-mail Address: citywide@citywideclub.com​

City Wide Club Chapters “107 Network Chapters”

City Wide Club Chapter 1 Family Recovery Center

City Wide Club Chapter 82 Food Bank Distribution

City Wide Club of Clubs Crisis Calls Center

City Wide Club Christian Mission

City Wide Club Chapter 3 Community Center